Suggest and Offer

Theme : Career

Trent : “Hi Joe, how are you?”
Joe : “I'm fine, how about you?”
Trent : “I’m good, by the way I want to talk to you about college, do you think I suitable or not study at Medicine, UGM?
Joe : “I think you are suitable for studying in various faculties because you have good knowledge and good attitude. Why did you choose that?”
Trent : “Because my parents suggested me to be a doctor.”
Joe : “Are sure you want to be a doctor?”
Trent : “I didn't really want to be a doctor. I prefer to be an architect.”
Joe : “I suggest you choose the faculty you want and makes you happy, because when you work, you can work with full of happiness.”
Trent : “That's a very good suggestion. So, where do you want to go to college?”
Joe : “I want to study at School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, ITB.”
Trent : “How about the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering? it seems like this faculty is interesting.”
Joe : “I’m not sure about that. I didn't like machines or something like that.”
Trent : “Oh ok..... Do you know that now at ITB there is a seminar about the faculty you want?
Joe : “Yes, I know, but I can't go there because no one can drive me”
Trent : “What if you go with me? I also want to go there and I can take you with my motorcycle.”
Joe : “Great. Let’s go.


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